2.2 Why does Voyager crash all the time? This is a general question with a general answer. Some people have no problems with Voyager crashing, while others can't seem to use it for more than a few minutes at a time. Most often, the problem with intermitent crashing is caused by other programs present in your system. Try removing older patches from your system first, as these are usually more poorly written than newer patches. Programs that effect your user interface (ie, programs that change the way your Amiga's GUI performs or looks) are the most common culprits. Try removing patches one at a time until Voyager stops crashing so often. If there is patch software you _must_ run, make sure you have the most recent versions. Always make sure you're running the most recent version of SetPatch (available from http://www.amiga.de/files.html). Some people have reported success by replacing their patching software with MCP -- a program that performs a bunch of different patches in a safe way. It's available from Aminet. Other people have reported that the mouse blanking patch in MCP crashed Voyager's Image Decoding Process [Jason Eyre, Voyager Mailing List]. Also make sure you have sufficient memory to run Voyager. Check the size of your memory cache, and turn off image caching. Voyager's low-memory handling routines are slightly buggy and may cause crashes [Oliver Wagner, Voyager Mailing List]. Another possible route for people with low memory is to try a virtual memory program such as VMM. See Section 2.2.1.